
At the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), our dedication to customer service and innovation for the public good is inseparable from our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. It is central to our mission as a government agency, to ensure that each member of our community has full opportunity to thrive in our environment, for we believe that diversity is key to individual excellence and the advancement of knowledge.

The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)’s mission is to deliver safe, sustainable, intelligent, exceptional, and inclusive transportation solutions in order to connect our customers to life’s opportunities. One of MDTA’s core values is excellence – excellence in our people, relationships, work and environment – and we strive to reach that through our commitment to diversity and equity. By developing and nurturing diversity, we reap greater rewards of creativity, flexibility and excellence that exist in all of us.



The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) have begun coordination efforts with the state and federal permitting agencies. The permitting agencies have committed to working closely with the Rebuild Team to advance permits in an expedited manner while still adhering to all permitting requirements. Environmental agencies understand the critical nature of the project and are prepared to collaborate on timely approvals.

Categorical Exclusion

On July 23, 2024, MDTA and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) received key federal environmental approvals for the reconstruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. FHWA has issued a Categorical Exclusion (CE) classification and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) approval for the I-695 Francis Scott Key Bridge Rebuild Project.

The federal agency determined that because the replacement Key Bridge will be within the former bridge’s right-of-way and have the same capacity of four travel lanes, it is not anticipated to significantly impact community, natural or cultural resources. The approval document can be viewed here. The project will have substantial positive transportation and socioeconomic impacts by restoring a critical link in the interstate system. Specifically, the Rebuild Project:

  • will not induce significant impacts to planned growth or land use for the area;
  • will not cause any relocations of people or businesses;
  • will have no effect on travel patterns from pre-collapse conditions; and
  • will not impact historic or park and recreational resources.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966

MDTA is conducting Section 106 consultation under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), a federal law governing stewardship of our nation’s cultural heritage. Section 106 of the NHPA requires federal agencies to take into consideration the effects their actions will have on historic properties. State and local projects using federal funding, or requiring federal approval or permitting, are required to comply with this process. The Federal Highway Administration has requested a Programmatic Agreement (PA) be executed for this project. The PA will include commitments to identify historic properties, evaluation of any effects to historic properties that would result from the project, and ongoing evaluation of findings as design of the new bridge advances.

For more information about Section 106 consultation for the project or the PA, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Approvals and Permits

Rebuild Permit Applications

MDTA has requested a Water Quality Certification and has submitted a Joint Permit Application to authorize construction of a new bridge to replace the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The Rebuild Project will include construction of a new bridge in the Patapsco River. It will be located in the same location as the original bridge, following the existing centerline across the river. The new bridge will tie into the existing roadway on both sides of the river and will stay within MDTA’s existing right-of-way.

MDTA has submitted an amendment to the Joint Permit Application to include construction of additional temporary piles and a temporary trestle extending from the northeast and southwest shorelines along the proposed bridge alignment terminating approximately 200 feet from the federal navigation channel. 

public informational hearing was held for the temporary piles and trestle on:

Temporary Pile and Trestle Public Informational Hearing

2 December

Monday, December 2, 2024

North Point Edgemere Volunteer Fire Department
7500 North Point
Baltimore, MD 21219

A poster session was held from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM; the public informational hearing began at 5:30 PM and ended no later than 7:30 PM.

Watch a recording of the temporary piles and trestle public informational hearing here:

View the temporary piles and trestle in the JPA Amendment Public Informational Hearing materials here:

The purpose of the public informational hearing was to provide information and answer questions on the amendment to the permit application and to provide the opportunity for members of the public to comment on the temporary pile and trestle to assist the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) in making a determination on the amended application for Tidal Wetlands License.

Statements for or against the JPA Amendment to include additional temporary piles and a temporary trestle could have been presented orally at the hearing or can be submitted in writing to the:

Maryland Department of the Environment
Tidal Wetlands Division
Attn: Matt Wallach
1800 Washington Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland, 21230

Written comments were accepted until December 17, 2024. For more information, contact Matt Wallach at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More information on the JPA amendment can be found on MDE’s website linked below:

In addition, a copy of the JPA Amendment plans and supporting information will be housed in the following locations and will be made available upon request:

  • Sollers Point Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library, 323 Sollers Point Rd. Dundalk MD 21222
  • Enoch Pratt Free Library – Cherry Hill Branch, 606 Cherry Hill Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225